BDR-157 Afternoon *** Daring Apartment Wives

BDR-157 JAV with the title "Afternoon *** Daring Apartment Wives" was released on July 14, 2015 by the studio Gunyusha Inc.. This Japanese Porn Movie runs for 197min. and is about Big Tits, Cowgirl, Married Woman, Mature Woman, Movies.  BDR-157 AV starring Kaoru Kume, Mahiro Ishikawa, Megumi Aso, Reiko Takachi, Shoko Kitahara.

Release Date: July 14, 2015
Runtime: 197min.
Director: ----
Studio: Gunyusha Inc.
Label: Asuka
Actresses: Kaoru Kume, Mahiro Ishikawa, Megumi Aso, Reiko Takachi, Shoko Kitahara
Channel: ----
Content ID: h_740bdr00157
Series: ----
Languages: Japanese
Subtitles: ----

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